April 8, 2015
The Volunteer Community Representatives (VCRs) would like to extend a warm welcome to our new players from Taiwan! If you have suggestions or need help with something, you can contact one of them for assistance. On the forums, they have a pink tag under their user image that says “RO2 Community Representative”.
Due to last week’s unusual maintenance schedule, we ended up skipping a week. This week’s report will cover both weeks.
Hot Topics & Known Issues
- Spring Event: The Spring event was patched to the test server later than we’d have liked for testing, so it’s been delayed a bit. Don’t worry, there will be an event!
- Broken Loot System: We’ve been made aware of this and have started running some tests and investigating it. As soon as we have all the necessary information and evidence, it will be reported.
- Hot Topic: Boss drops being based on channel - if you have evidence of this, please PM me (Njoror) with the information or send in a ticket at http://support.warpportal.com so we can get it looked at. Please note that we have yet to find any conclusive evidence of this yet, and you should continue to fight bosses as normal.
Bug Report Summary
Reported issues are given one of the following categories:
- Critical - these are bugs that have game-breaking implications, interfere with gameplay or combat (especially PvP), or are exploitable.
- Moderate - these bugs present an annoyance to users, may confuse or frustrate players that don't understand them, but don't have a major impact on gameplay.
- Minor - these bugs are mostly visual issues or quirks; they don't actually have any substantial impact on gameplay but should probably be fixed anyway.
- Tweak - this is a suggested change to an existing part of the game that isn’t working right. Tweaks are lower priority than Minor, but are still evaluated by the development team.
For certain issues, we may ask members of the community (you!) to help us gather some information. These will be listed under “Needing More Information” with a description of what is being requested. Work will continue on the issue as normal, but will go faster and/or be more beneficial to everybody with your input.
Recently Reported
- [Critical] Insomnia soup duration is listed as 60 seconds.
- [Critical] Time on player buff duration
- [Moderate] Master Level Display in Find Party
- [Critical] Renamed HHB in Chinese Language
- [Moderate] Divided Plain Bridge *deathtrap*
- [Moderate] Stellaria and Rudbeckia Reset on Freeze
- [Moderate] +80 Bind rune cannot be inserted in Eddga Accessory
- [Moderate] Double listed Kafra Shop items
- [Moderate/Minor] NPC Can Be Killed using AOE Skills
- [Minor] [Quest Starter] Rare Jellopy - Drops after completion.
- [Minor] Exchange NPC Title is wrong
- [Minor] Short Flight Buff Reset
- [Minor] Honing Magic Attack unusable on armor, but not stated in description
- [Minor] Missing NPCs / Locations in map - more info added
- [Minor] Wizard Flame Explosion "F" Key always prompts when Seal Explosion is active
- [Minor] Lord of Vermilion ground texture is too high - clarified some information
- [Minor] Character transfer doesn't show the proper level, class or class icon
Needing More Information
- Players from Taiwan experiencing loss of runes and/or seeds in their gear. If you or someone you know is experiencing this, get a screenshot that includes the character name and the affected gear. This screenshot can be posted right in this thread (don’t know how to post images? Use this guide: http://forums.warpportal.com/index.php?/topic/174507-how-to-upload-pictures-in-the-forums-guide/). If possible, please include the screenshot in [ spoiler]spoiler tags (without spaces)[ /spoiler] to avoid unnecessary loading.
Recently Fixed
- [Minor] Invisible wall in Divided Plains missing for the Crack of Despair.
- [Moderate] Knight Petit Rein is now functioning properly.
- [Minor] Female Ranger (and, by extension, Archer and Beastmaster) dances have been fixed so they now loop properly.
- [Minor] Short Flight Buff Reset
- [Moderate] Description for the Beastmaster Rank A quest item was fixed to be clearer.
- There were none this week due to the short time between maintenances. Any bug fixes that otherwise would have been added this week are being saved up for next week.
Discuss the Community Report on the Official Warpportal Forum here!