April 15, 2015
Hot Topics & Known Issues
- Hackshield is removed: this has been planned for some time now, and efforts are being made to prevent the worst of what Hackshield was for. In addition, removal of Hackshield allows multiple clients.
Bug Report Summary
Reported issues are given one of the following categories:
- Critical - these are bugs that have game-breaking implications, interfere with gameplay or combat (especially PvP), or are exploitable.
- Moderate - these bugs present an annoyance to users, may confuse or frustrate players that don't understand them, but don't have a major impact on gameplay.
- Minor - these bugs are mostly visual issues or quirks; they don't actually have any substantial impact on gameplay but should probably be fixed anyway.
- Tweak - this is a suggested change to an existing part of the game that isn’t working right. Tweaks are lower priority than Minor, but are still evaluated by the development team.
For certain issues, we may ask members of the community (you!) to help us gather some information. These will be listed under “Needing More Information” with a description of what is being requested. Work will continue on the issue as normal, but will go faster and/or be more beneficial to everybody with your input.
Recently Reported
- [Minor] Twisted Bear
- [Minor] Buff Time Bug
- [Minor] Alibaba Costume
- [Critical/Moderate] Map data after disconnect while dead is incorrect
- [Minor] Tuxedo / Cat costumes description & appearance bug
- [Minor] Red Squid Hat - Does not show on Noel
- [Minor] Spelling Error for Rune Daily Quest In Morroc
- [Moderate] Vigor Description
- [Moderate] Daily Quest Timer Resetting Untaken quests.
- [Critical] Debuff Stuck at 1s
- [Critical] Taiwan player seeds being lost
- [Moderate/Minor] Tiger Power buff on Bamboo Panda mob
- [Minor] Gold Label description
Needing More Information
- None currently.
Recently Fixed
- [Minor] Red Squid headgear having no visuals on noels
- Added NPCs:
Repair Experts to Dayr Desert
Card Master to Prontera
We have also requested other missing NPCs and are hoping for them to be added.