Patch Notes 8/20/2014
*Subject to change at anytime
i. Silent Corridor
-To start the quest line, look for Abdullah in Morroc City and accept the quest, "Assasin's Duel".
-To enter Silent Corridor, enter the portal located at the top, right corner of Morroc City.
-Once inside, speak with NPC April to start the challenges.
-You will face the following bosses:
Round 1: Dona
Round 2: Raphi
Round 3: Reo
Round 4: Miki
Round 5: Dona, Raphi, Reo, and Miki
ii. Assassin's Sanctum
-To start the Assassin's Sanctum quest line, accept the quest "I cannot handle anymore!" from Mcdonald Hitachi.
-The entrance to Assassin's Sanctum is near the lower right corner of Morroc City.
-You will face the following bosses in this dungeon:
Assassin Elder
Francis Accel
Valatie Jeff
iii. Himmelmez's Chamber
-To enter Himmelmez's Chamber, you would need to complete the Dark Whisper quests. To start the Himmelmez's Chamber quests, speak to NPC Dwayne in Dark Whisper Upper Floor and accept the "Floating Stone" quest.
-Once you earn 8 Floating Stones, you may enter Himmelmez's Chamber.
-You will encounter the following bosses:
Himmelmez's Dragon
i. There will be new daily quests that will run for 6 weeks.
ii. The NPC is located near the Dark Whisper portal in Morroc City.
i. Thief Class
-Skill damage has increased
-Ymir Child: Cthulhu
Before: Using the skill would increase Attack Power, Movement Speed, and Acceleration
Change: Using the skill will increase Attack Power, Movement Speed, and Penetration [150/ 300 / 450] by each skill level.
-Combo Training
Before:When a skill that obtains Combo Points is used, 1 additional Combo Point is obtained with 5%, 10%, 15% success rate
Change: When a skill that obtains Combo Points is used, 1 additional Combo Point is obtained with 5%, 10%, 20% success rate
-Mark of Genocide
Before: Using this skill increased Critical Hit Rate of all party and attack squad members [0.4 / 0.8/ 1.2/ 1.6/ 2%]
Change: Using this skill will increase Critical Hit Rate [ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10%]
ii. Rogue Class
-Combo Mastery
Before: Active Rate [ 3/ 6/ 9%]
Change: Active Rate [5/ 10/ 20%]
-Dual Stab
Before: Detect Weakness effect for 5 seconds
Change: Detect Weakness effect for 10 seconds
-Mark of Death
Change: Current skill effect + will decrease 5% of target movement speed per each skill level [5- 50%]
iii. Assassin Class
-Shadow Claw
Change: Current skill effect + will increase 50 Penetration per skill level [50/ 100/ 150/ 200/ 250]
Before: Number of attacking target x HP recovery point= Total HP recovered
Change: 20% HP will be recovered with 30 seconds cool-time
i. WoE Guardians, Gates and Emperiums have their Attack Power and HP increased by at least 200%
*Note: WoE castle and fortress ownership will be reset during this maintenance.
i. Monsters and bosses in the Culvert of Abyss and Abbadon of Despair has their Attack Power and HP increased by at least 200%
i. This item can move a refined weapon's refine rate to another weapon.
-There could be a loss of 0 to 5 in Refine rate after the transfer.
ii. When you use this item, a Refine Rate Change UI will pop up.
iii. First, select the weapon without the refine rate (the target), and then select the weapon with the refine rate (has to be +1 or more). Click on "transfer" and the targeted item will receive the refine rate. The original item with the refine rate that was transferred will disappear.
iv. Restrictions:
1. Rarity gap should be less than 1
2. The levels between the two items should be less than 5 (Example: You can transfer the refine rate from a level 50 weapon to a level 46 weapon, but not from a level 50 weapon to a level 43 weapon).
v. MP cost will vary per Refine Transfer based on the refine rate change.
-Rune of AGI Enhancement Elixir (SALE): 100 KP
-Rune of INT Enhancement Elixir (SALE): 100 KP
-Rune of STR Enhancement Elixir (SALE): 100 KP
-Rune of VIT Enhancement Elixir (SALE): 100 KP
-Rune of WIS Enhancement Elixir (SALE): 100 KP
-Rune Remover (SALE): 100 KP
-Super Puncher (SALE): 200 KP
- 7F Item changes to Big Foot Bag
- Myunel Exchange: Sleep Shade
- Set Effect: Vitality, Acceleration, Critical 2% increase, Accuracy 4% increase (Period: August 20 - September 24)
A. Loading screen spelling error fixed
B. Flavor text displaying "no trans ID" for bosses and monsters will be fixed
C. Selecting Road of Blessed will no longer take you to Dayr Desert
D. Queen Kamil dress will now appear correctly