Patch Notes 8/27/2014
*Subject to change at anytime
1. Bug Fixes
A. Dona's bombing surface ability not displaying will be fixed.
B. Town Crier NPC will no longer be in two locations in Morroc City.
C. Charge Arrow description will be changed.
D. Cards losing upgrades when stacked will be fixed.
2. Events
A. New Events
i. Tomato Khara Event (8/27-9/25)
1. Go to NPC Toma in the center of Prontera to get the quests.
2. Toma will give the following Daily Quests:
-[Daily] Soil (Level 15)- Reward is 7 Tomato Seeds
-[Daily] Mineral (Level 20)- Reward is 8 Tomato Seeds
-[Daily] Seed (Level 25)- Reward is 3 Tomato Sprouts
-[Daily] Fertilizer (Level 50)- Reward is 1 Tomato Stem
-[Daily] Treatment (Level 50)- Reward is 2 Tomato Stem
3. Trade in your Tomatoes
-Trade in 10 Tomato Seeds for 1 Tomato Sprout
-Trade in 10 Tomato Sprouts for 1 Tomato Stem
-Trade in 10 Tomato Stems for 1 Ripe Tomato
-Trade in 10 Ripe Tomatoes for 1 Tomato VIP Ticket (using the ticket will give 3000 HP increase for an hour)
4. Collect and use 10 Tomato VIP Tickets for the LA TOMATINA Khara Title
-Effect: +1000 HP, +500 SP, +250 Physical Attack, +250 Magic Attack
-The Effect will be double during the event period.
5. You can also get Tomatoes via monster drops or the August Box sold in the Kafra Shop
August Box will randomly drop:
1 Tomato Sprout
3 Tomato Sprout
5 Tomato Sprout
1 Tomato Stem
3 Tomato Stem
5 Tomato Stem
1 Ripe Tomato
3 Ripe Tomato
5 Ripe Tomato
10 Ripe Tomato
B. Ending Events
i. Spectacular August EXP Boosts will be ending.
ii. Master Battle Manuals will no longer be on sale.
iii. Level up sales will be ending.
3. Kafra Update
A. New Items
-Platinum Membership Pack
Elite Membership Card (30 Day)
Pump It Up Hard Pill
Holgren's Honing Polish Box
Refine Rate Change Ticket *new
Card Album
-Gold Membership Pack
Elite Membership Card (30 Day)
Card Album
Pump It Up Pill
-Mount Random Box (with chance of PI-07S Mount)
-PI-07S Mount (30 days)
-Munil's Costume Random Box V (http://playragnarok2...ews/article/235)
Chance of dropping:
Vacance (M)
Beach Memory (F)
Palm Tree Costume (M/F)
Marine Casual Look (M/F)
Ocean Commander Uniform (M/F)
Chance Coupon
-Munil's Costume Random Box IX
Chance of dropping:
Rice Paste (M/F)
Lollipop Stick (M/F)
Match (M/F)
Foxtail (M/F)
Snorkel (M/F)
Marine Casual Cap (M/F)
Palm Tree Head (M/F)
Beach Shades (M/F)
Beach Hat (F)
Ocean Commander Tar Bucket (M/F)
-August Box
B. Continuing Sales
The following items will be on sale in the Kafra Shop:
-Rune of WIS Enhancement Elixir
-Rune of VIT Enhancement Elixir
-Rune of STR Enhancement Elixir
-Rune of AGI Enhancement Elixir
-Rune of INT Enhancement Elixir
-Super Puncher
-Rune Remover
-Blessing Powder
-Lucky Powder