Patch Notes June 18, 2018
Please note: Details are subject to change at any time.
Weekly Maintenance Time: 3pm-7pm PDT (~4 hours)
Is your character ready to hit the beaches of Jawaii? Get your refine on with this week's sale on refinement, honing, and card items!
June 18 - June 25, 2018
Fun in the Sun Art Contest!
June 8 to July 9, 2018
It's almost time for Summer Vacation! How do you plan to spend your summer in Rune Midgarts?
Will you and your new Cute Pet go exploring the beaches of Jawaii? Or will you spend time with your friends in Alberta sipping drinks by the docks? Use your artistic skills to share your vision of a perfect summer vacation.
There will be at least one grand prize winner per category. Each grand prize winner will receive a permanent Merlion mount and 2x Cheny's Soul.
Each participant will receive 1x Apple of Idun.
Bonus Experience Week
June 18 to June 25, 2018
Double experience, double the fun!