Patch Notes October 11, 2017
Please note: Details are subject to change at any time.
Weekly Maintenance Time: 3pm-7pm PDT (~4 hours)
Phantom Pyramid Update!
The top position of the Phantom Pyramid has received a fang-tastic makeover.The Dracula Legacy back accessory has arrived!
Light in the Dark
October 6 - November 6
As the light of summer fades, the nights grow longer... darker... more frightening. October is the month we celebrate Halloween, and though customs vary from culture to culture, many celebrate this night by creating a lantern-- a light in the dark. Put your artistic and creative skills to work in this event! Carve a pumpkin or create a lantern to help illuminate the darkness and ward off wandering spirits this Halloween night. If you're not in to 3D media, design a pumpkin carving stencil with an RO2 theme.
Entries will be accepted from October 10 through November 6.
There are three categories for your entry:
Carved Pumpkin - Carve a pumpkin, a different gourd, or even a turnip. Use your imagination to carve a real (or plastic) illuminated Jack-o-Lantern with an RO2 theme.
Lantern - A jar covered in paper, a paper bag, or a milk jug. You can make a lantern out of almost anything! Create a RO2 themed lantern from whatever you have handy. Example
Stencil - Don't want to carve? No problem! Create a stencil of an RO2 theme that could be carved into a pumpkin.
One Grand Prize winner from each category will be selected. For Carved Pumpkin and Lantern categories, Grand Prize winners will receive a permanent Phantom Racer mount
and 2 each of Cheny's Soul and Batty Bundle prize boxes.
The Stencil Grand Prize winner will receive 2 each of Cheny's Soul, Cheny's Sunshine, Cheny's Snowflake and Batty Bundle prize boxes.
Participation Prize
Each quality entry will receive 2x Apple of Idun prize boxes.
Click Here to Enter
Terrifying Tales: A Spooky Story Contest
October 6 to November 6
It's that time of the year, boys and ghouls! Get in the Halloween spirit by composing a RO2-themed spooky story to send shivers down our spines or just tickle our funny bones.
Want to describe a paranormal event in RO2? Perhaps an urban legend like Tiger Lily? Do you want your character to star in a murder mystery? Well, put on your writing cap and share your terrifying tale with us!
Entries will be accepted from October 6 to November 6, 2017
Entry Instructions
Compose a short story or spooky poem, at least 250 words. You can add images to your story to make it like a comic strip or picture book, and can include text over pictures. If you submit images with text, please include the plain text in your post as well for translation purposes.
Winners will be chosen based on the quality, thoughtfulness, and spooktacularness.
Winners will receive:
1x Permanent Mount of your choice.
In addition to participation prize.
Each participant will receive 2x Tentacle Trunk Prize Box and 1x 3~5 Star DNA Random Box by Cheny.