Patch Notes December 15, 2015
Please note: Details are subject to change at any time.
Weekly Maintenance Time: 6pm-10pm PST (~4 hours)
December's VIP Packs have arrived!
December Gold Membership Pack
Available December 15 to January 11
Price: 900 Kafra Points
December Platinum Membership Pack
Available December 15 to January 11
Price: 2000 Kafra Points
Yule be sorry if you miss this new Mount Box!
Yule Festival Mount Box
Available December 15 to January 11
Price: 300 Kafra Points
Introducing Diamond Currency!
Cheny's Diamond Pocket (1013)
Price: 500 Kafra Points
Cheny's Diamond Pocket (2194)
Price: 1,000 Kafra Points
Cheny's Diamond Basket (6992)
Price: 3,000 Kafra Points
Cheny's Diamond Basket (12291)
Price: 5,000 Kafra Points
Cheny's Diamond Basket (26776)
Price: 10,000 Kafra Points
Please Note: Diamonds can also be earned in-game through quests and events. Please visit the Cheny's Secret Shop guide for more information.
Community Events
Twas the Night Before Yule: Poem Event
Prizes: Phantom Stones and Temporary Polar Bear Mount!
Monster Beauty Contest 4: Voting
Voting for Monster Beauty Contest contestants! Click banner to vote.
Season's Greetings!
Greeting card contest. Prizes: Permanent Holiday Mount, Angel Costume set [1], White Designated Dye for participation!
A complete guide to the Winter 2015 Update's features can be found here.
Mysterious NPC Cheny
The mysterious Cheny is a descendant of Khara. Some time ago, she decided to follow Khara's steps through Midgard. In her travels she met the Dvergr-- an ancient race of ground-dwelling dwarves. Cheny offered her help to the Dvergr, and in return she received a special pet Leprechaun.
Cheny has returned to Prontera with her new friend, Leprechaun, and the two are working together to collect Diamonds for her next journey.
Cheny's Secret Shop contains a collection of items that she has curated throughout her travels. These items will change from time to time. Leprechaun is using his magic to help Cheny collect diamonds. Visit the Leprechaun to learn more about Transmogrification!
Cheny and Leprechaun are located in SW Prontera, in the Graham Arena:
Please visit the Official Guide to Cheny's Secret Shop for more information!
Armor and certain weapons can now change their appearance through Transmogrification! This new item allows you to keep the stats of your base item, but exchange its image with another item of the same type.
Target item will retain its stats, refinement, sockets, and honing. The appearance item will be consumed in the process.
Items must share the same type to be transmogrified (Example: Cloth chest armor to cloth chest armor).
Transmogrification requires Diamonds and Zeny as payment. Transmogrification is performed by Leprechaun, located near Cheny in the Graham Arena of Prontera.
Please visit the Transmogrification Official Guide for more information!
Transmogrification Items
Four new sets of Transmogrification items have been added for Human characters, and one new set has been added for Noel characters. These Transmogrification items have four individual pieces each so sets can be mixed, matched, or used with other armor appearances to make your outfit unique! These items are obtainable from Cheny's Snowflake boxes.
Furious Goblin (M) and Convicted Goblin (F)
Oriental Night (M) and Oriental Morning (F)
Purified Flame (M) and Judged Flame (F)
Tropic Protector (M) and Tropic Destroyer (F)
Noel Set: Star Clown (M) and Moon Clown (F)
Multi-Dye System
The existing Dye system has gotten a makeover! New costumes can take different dyes in up to three different areas. Please visit the Multi-Dye System guide for more information!
Auction House UI Update
Want to sort your search by Item Name or Equipment Level? How about Current Bid or Expiration time? The new and improved Auction House UI will help you sort items to your hearts desire!
New Features
Able: Check this box if you want to only see gear that your character can use. You don't need to know the name of the item you're searching for, just check the box and select a category (Weapon, Armor, etc.) and press "Search"!
Advanced Sorting: Use the new sorting buttons to arrange search results in ascending or descending order for each of the category options provided.
2nd Episode Dungeon
Join a young Dr. Jacob as he learns the secret of the Wolves Cave! Daily quests associated with solo dungeons can be found at Maden in Bouquet Town, East Mt. Mjolnir. The dungeon can be accessed by pressing "N" to reach the Find Dungeon menu. Check the box for Ep. 2 Hidden Report and off you go!
Visit the Episode 2: Wolves Cave Guide for more information!
Attendance Calendar Update
The daily attendance calendar has updated! You can now receive Diamonds on Day 7, Day 14, and Day 21. If you log in without missing days, you'll receive double the Diamonds on golden-marked days!
Please Note there has been a chance:
(7 day) will be a Seal of Vulcan
(14 day) will be a Seal of Veriel
(21 day) will be a Seal of Hoenheim
(28 day) will be a Seal of Demeter
Perfect Attendance Reward will be changing as well:
Welcome Santa and the Yule Festival!
Event Period: December 15 - January 18
In order to celebrate the Yule Festival, Santa Claus is busy preparing gift boxes for children.
Unfortunately, after a sudden surprise attack from monsters, all of Santa's gifts lost their wrapping paper!
In order to assist Santa, help him get rid of the monsters that attacked him and take back the stolen Wrapping Papers.
You can donate Wrapping Paper, or exchange with certain items from Santa Claus in Prontera (next to Myunel).
If donated Wrapping Papers reach a certain amount, Santa will start to sell Upgraded Buff Items!
Santa's Exchange List:
Use a Santa Poring Warp Scroll to enter the new event dungeon! The scroll has a 6 hour cooldown once used.
Items from Santa Claus's vendor list:
Get a Santa Poring's Gift Box for a chance to drop one of these items:
- Heal over time skills will no longer display as damage over time in any circumstance
- War of Emperium's Immunity buff will now be immune to damage, area of effect damage, crowd control, and stun. Players with an active immunity buff will not be able to use food, potions, or item buffs. If a player uses a skill or moves while having the buff, it will be removed. Players entering the WoE map with Urgent Recall will receive the Immunity Buff.