Patch Notes 2.12.2015
We will have a short emergency maintenance today at 5pm PST. This maintenance is expected to last several hours.
Please note: Details are subject to change at any time.
Valentine’s loading screens applied.
Eddga Equipment will bind on equip.
Items issued in error through the attendance system will be removed.
Bug Fix
To be corrected:
Forgotten Payon lead-in quests are acting as daily quests.
Players can't select "Fortress of Sandarman" when trying to recruit members with Find Party.
Refine Transfer Ticket isn't working properly.
Warping adds another day to attendance.
Soul Maker's Eddga headgear appears to be missing its texture.
In the middle of the castle there are areas that become a no skill zone.
If you use Ymir and shop at the same time, by the end of ymir, the shop will disappear.
Northern Dancer NPC has graphics bug and requires localization for the New Years Event.
Female Ignatius Uniform Jacket visual bug
Eddga Chain Gauntlets visual bug