Patch Notes for 12/15/2014
Please note: Details are subject to change at any time.
Weekly Maintenance Time: 5 pm PST (~4 hours)
New Kafra Shop Items
Yule Festival Costume Box
Yule Festival Accessory Box
Yule Festival Mount Box
Yule Festival Box
Gold & Platinum Package Updates
Kafra Sales
Accessory Fusion Tablet (SALE) | 100 KP |
Costume Fusion Tablet (SALE) | 100 KP |
Appearance Maintain Slate (SALE) | 150 KP |
Rune Maintain Slate (SALE) | 150 KP |
Yule Festival
Bug Fixes
Aura Heal post level 4 heals only 1 HP of the others party members instead of the correct physical attack percentage
Sell a bound item, obtain an unbound version, buy back the bound ones and all become unbound
Quest List resets when you change map
When an unbound card is accidentally stacked together with a bound card, both of the cards will become bound
Players lose equipped cards if they replace a card on top of it. They used to go to their bags, now they are deleted.
Bind on Equip cards will be bound to player in their inventory if they acquire two or more and they stack.