This week brings the Noel race into Ragnarok 2, as well as a very large client patch. We have made available a manual patch that you can download and extract into your Ragnarok 2 installation folder, so that when the update is made live during our Wednesday morning, 3:30am ~ 8am PDT, maintenance you can skip most of the downloading:
Noel Manual Patch Download 1.6GB
Please download.
Extract the contents into your RO2 folder
Allow overwriting when prompted
Winrar will be able to extract the file as will many other decompressing softwares.
Best practice is to do this extraction process during or shortly before maintenance to eliminate any chance of hackshield conflicts. (by design, overwriting the files early should be fine, and were in test, but changing files in some situations will cause hackshield conflicts so best to apply the patch closer to maintenance time.)
Steam users will have a new install client provided which should take care of their updating processes easily.
Those who do not wish to use the manual patch will download the files via the normal patch process.